This “Waiver and Liability Exclusion Agreement” is required to participate in Wayne County Home Schoolers (hereafter referred to as WCHS) classes, activities, or events (hereafter referred to as “events”).

By submitting my application for WCHS and being a member of WCHS, I understand that WCHS is a facilitator of home school events and social interaction opportunities for non-traditional students. WCHS does not guarantee any protection from injuries, illnesses, or challenges by governing authorities regarding home schooling or virtual schooling.

I, my children, or any of our representatives (hereafter referred to as “family”) do hereby acknowledge that participation in WCHS “events” and utilization of any grounds and/or facilities secured by WCHS for said “events” could expose us to possible risk of personal injury or illness.  I acknowledge that WCHS has given me no undertakings, guarantees, warranties, or representations whatsoever as to the safety of any WCHS “events” in which my child or I may participate.

In consideration of my child’s participation in WCHS “events”:

I voluntarily assume any and all risks whatsoever associated with an “event”, including the risk of property loss and/or damage, serious bodily injury, illness, or death.

I hereby release, forever discharge, and covenant not to sue WCHS, its administrators, its committee chairs, volunteers, agents, or host venues (hereinafter referred to as “the Releasees”), either in their individual or their official capacities, from all liability and responsibility, whether in tort, contract or otherwise, for any injury, illness, loss, or damage suffered by me or my child in connection with an “event” including property loss and/or damage or serious bodily injury or death, however caused, including the negligence of “the Releasees”.

I hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless “the Releasees” from all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action, including costs and attorney’s fees, by any person, including myself, my family, my heirs, executors, insurers, successors, and assigns in consequence of injury, illness, loss, or damage suffered by myself or my child while at or participating in a WCHS “event”. This agreement binds my estate and will inure to the benefit of the estate of “the Releasees”.

I understand that WCHS administrators and committee chairs are independent contractors and are not agents or employees of WCHS and are responsible for their own actions.  I understand that “the Releasees” are not liable for omissions nor negligence of independent contractors.

I expressly agree that this Waiver and Liability Exclusion Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted in the jurisdiction by whose law it is interpreted.  All of the terms of this Agreement are severable from each other and will survive the invalidity of any other terms.

MEDICAL CARE:  Should it be necessary for me or my child to have medical treatment while participating in a WCHS “event” and a parent or guardian cannot be reached or the circumstances demand immediate care, my signature gives WCHS representatives and volunteers to use their judgment in providing first aid or obtaining medical service for me or my child and give permission to the physician, hospital, or other medical care facility to render any medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate.  I understand that WCHS does not have medical insurance of any type; therefore, any cost incurred for treatment will be my sole responsibility.

By submitting my application to be a member of Wayne County Home Schoolers of Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina, I acknowledge that I have read the above, understand the above, and agree explicitly to the liability release waiver.  I am entering into this Waiver and Liability Exclusion Agreement on my own free will and not under duress. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and the terms of this agreement are contractual and not a mere recital.  The life of this liability waiver is perpetual.